SWAAAE $1500 Academic Scholarship

Scholarship Name:

SWAAAE $1500 Academic Scholarship


Scholarship is available for anyone seriously pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in airport management.


The scholarships are presented at the Airport Management Short Course and the student is expected to attend the entire conference and receive their award at the conference awards banquet. Attendance at the AMSC offers an excellent opportunity for students to network with airport management professionals, and has been beneficial to students seeking internships or employment after graduation. Anyone seriously pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in airport management, Public Administration or Business Administration may apply annually for an academic scholarship. You do not need to be a member of SWAAAE to apply for this scholarship, however you must attend a college in Arizona, California, Nevada or Hawaii.


2 $1500.00 Academic Scholarships

Application Submission Process and Completion Date:

Complete application, answering all questions completely, attach your biographical information, statement of interest in aviation or airport management current transcript and Letter of Reference. You may also attach a resume or any additional information you feel is pertinent.

Applications and a photo copy of your grade transcripts from the institution you are currently attending must be received by December 16, 2016

Selection Process:

None given


Online Application


The Southwest Chapter of the American Association of Airport Executives

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