The scholarships guide includes over 200 Aerospace scholarships with a combined value of over $120 Million. Entries are updated regularly to assure accuracy.
Welcome to your resource for Aviation and Aerospace Scholarships. The information concerning each scholarship is presented in a complete and simplified format. Our scholarship team constantly updates and verifies each listing giving you the most up-to-date information.
It can be a daunting task researching scholarships for your specific needs. Many of the online directories have inaccurate or outdated information. Some only contain links to the scholarship website.
This directory will help you achieve your career goals by obtaining money to fund your training and education. By applying to one or more scholarships you could earn thousands towards your education and training.
Purchase access to the online scholarship guide for one year:
{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }
I purchased your 2016 scholarship guide on Amazon. Did I hear correctly that the updates would be free if I purchased the prior year guide? If so, how do I go about “updating” my guide?
Love the show! Thank you!
Love the content! Btw, sent you an email recently. I was wondering if you catered to Canadian pilots in your scholarships guide.
Hello, I would like to know if you all a version for android users? I dont have a iPhone nor a kindle, but Im very interested in purchasing the book. Any feedback is great. Thank you
Firstly, congratulations on your amazing job with the podcast
I am a commercial pilot from Colombia
Could I find any scholarship for me here?
Concerning the Apple e-book you folks mentioned this, “Purchase the Apple e-book and receive updates to the current version.” Will the updates for the “Apple e-book” be for one year and will it continuously be updated every year following?
Hello there,
How can I purchase a scholarship guide and send it to someone ?
Love the podcast! I think i posted my thread in the wrong place…don’t understand how it was tagged as a reply to someone else’s comment…
I’m a Canadian Commercial pilot. I’m looking for scholarships in Canada to help with building hours and/or help towards my ME/IFR ratings.
Does the guide have any scholarships for Canadians? I work full time for CAE, Studied to be an AME (known as an A&P Technician in the US) and I’m 39 years old.
To work as a pilot is a life long goal for me and I’ve had to endure certain hurdles that prolonged its realization… but I haven’t given up.
I kindly await your response. I will send this via email as well.
Thank you.
Hi and thank you for what you do and your time on this question!
I am 61 years old and looking to get my PPL and IFR and CFI so that I can eventually do aerobatics and teach. Is it even possible for a scholarship at my age?
Enjoying the Podcast!
Hi Sasha,
Were you able to get a response for Canadian scholarships?
Cause I wanna help others
I am 58 years old and would like to know if there are scholarships available for someone like myself who was not able to complete his Private Pilots certificate several years ago due to an eye injury, and now wants to get back into flying? I do fly a Kolb Firestar ultralight but would like to continue my education through to getting my Sport Pilots license. I would continue to private however, I don’t want to jump through all the hoops and barrels that I would need to go through to renew my medical due to the injury.
Great podcasts, and good info, Brandi has quite the tale. Keep up the good work.
Bonjour ! juste savoir comment est ce que je peux faire pour avoir une bourse d’études de pilotage d’aéronef?
Is the Aerospace Scholarships Guide available and 2023/2024 graduates? When does the most current guide come out? Thank you!
I’m interested in buying the scholarship guide and have a few questions. When was it last updated? Does it include scholarships that are not in the university aviation association collegiate aviation scholarships 2024 catalog?
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