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Thank you for your interest in Paying It Forward. With over $120 million in available scholarships in the guide, your gift has the potential of allowing someone to pursue an aviation career. With these funds, the recipient of the Scholarships Guide can fulfill their dream.
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The easiest way to pay it forward is to become a Patron of the podcast by clicking below:
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Make Check Payable to :
Valeri Aviation Corporation
3616 Harden Blvd, #309
Lakeland, FL 33803
Thank You, Sponsors:
Tammy Barlette of is giving away 10 scholarship guides. You can get yours for free using the coupon code “CrossCheck”
Crosscheck mental performance helps you build Confidence In Aviation. You can find them on the web at
Thank You For Paying It Forward:
Shay Trotsky
Brian Whitman
Captain Len
Darrell Eggert
William Pogue
David Abbey
The Valeri Family.
Anonymous donor in support of Pilots N Paws
The Stuck Mic AvCast – An Aviation Podcast About Learning to Fly, Living To Fly, and Loving to Fly.
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