Episode 008 – Combining a Flying Career with Another Career Interview with Jamie Beckett, Publisher of Flight Monkeys

August 2, 2012

Pilots are fascinating people because they are goal oriented and have many interests. If you find you have a passion for flying but have other interests in life, a career in aviation can still be for you. One of the wonderful things about flying for the airlines are my days off. Some months I have […]

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Episode 007 – Why The Low Number Of Female Pilots?; Interview With Lynda Meeks Founder Of Girls With Wings

July 24, 2012

Ever wonder why you don’t see many female pilots? I never truly reflected on this fact until one day while boarding the plane a young girl pointed at the First Officer and said “Look Mom A Girl Pilot!” She then turned to me and said nothing. Upon further reflection I realized a man with silver […]

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Episode 006 – Career Prospects Are Good for Both Pilots And Mechanics, A Panel Discussion with Guests From National Aviation Academy.

July 19, 2012

Do you have an interest in becoming both a pilot and a mechanic? You would be surprised how many pilots hold a mechanic’s license. There are some advantages to being both. I discuss: How you can be an operational asset because you can repair items which break and a mechanic is miles from your location. […]

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Episode 005 – Most Aviation Career positions are non flying; Interview with Max Flight a manager with a large aircraft engine manufacturer.

July 12, 2012

For those of us passionate about aviation there are a modicum of positions which allow us to foster our passion even if you don’t want to fly. As a matter of fact most aviation jobs are non flying positions. There is a wide variety of jobs available with the airlines and other businesses and government […]

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Episode 004: College Degree Choices, Interview With Airplane Geeks, and What Color Is Your Parachute.

July 5, 2012

The majority of the pilots at the major airlines have a four year degree so to be competitive you should get your degree. Should you get a degree in aviation or in another field you are interested in? This episode will take on a different format. Instead of having a guest I will share with […]

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Episode 003 – How to be a Successful Part Time Flight Instructor

June 28, 2012

Thinking of flight instructing part time? Today we will address the many benefits and challenges you will face. There are many reasons why you might choose to flight instruct part time which include: You have a career you enjoy but want to share your passion for flying in a more profound way. You are an […]

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Episode 002 – Seniority, Age 65 and the Pending Pilot Shortage, Interview with a professional flight simulator instructor, and a product recommendation to enhance your flying career.

June 14, 2012

Welcome to Episode 2 of the Aviation Careers Podcast. In today’s episode we will discuss: What the term seniority means and how it impacts everyone involved in aviation. The “age 65 rule “ and why it is affecting the pending pilot shortage. What you should be reading if you plan on flying jets or more […]

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Episode 001 – Welcome To Aviation Careers Podcast. Why Should You Choose an Aviation Career? Interview with an expatriate pilot flying overseas. Recommended Products and Services.

June 5, 2012

Welcome to Aviation Careers Podcast. My name is Carl Valeri and I blog at ExpertAviator.com.  There has been much discussion in the news about the pending pilot shortage.  Is this pilot shortage which has been promoted amongst the aviation career websites, media, and the flight schools a real problem? This podcast will discuss: Information concerning […]

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April 20, 2012

Welcome to Aviation Careers Podcast. This podcast is for those interested in discovering more about the many careers in aviation. By listening to this podcast you will: Discover the various aviation career fields with a focus on becoming a pilot. Determine if a career in aviation is for you. Learn how to advance your aviation […]

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