ACP046 – Ten Things You Should NOT Do During A Pilot Shortage

January 31, 2014

Ten Things You Should NOT do during this pilot shortage: Burn your bridges. Turn down interviews. Don’t show up for the interview. Show up for the interview with a bad attitude or overconfident. Think this pilot shortage will never end because they always do. Turn down a flying job because you are waiting for something […]

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ACP045 – Airline Pilot – Stressful, Dangerous, and Boring?

January 11, 2014

We Discuss: ATC Contract Towers. Why airline pilot is listed as the most stressful and most dangerous job. Is Being an Airline Pilot Boring? Listener Mail: A listener who wants to become an astronaut asks:  Should I join the Air Force and gain flight experience and then apply to test pilot school?  Is it possible […]

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ACP044 – Career Questions with Tom Wachowski Creator of The Pilot Jobs Book

December 18, 2013

Welcome to Episode 44 of the podcast where we help you achieve your career goal. Today I have with me a frequent co host, Tom Wachowski, who is a corporate pilot and creator of the Pilot Jobs Book. Tom is going to help me answer listener mail and also describe a tool he has created […]

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ACP043 Think Outside The Box with Len Costa of Practical Guide To Winter Flying

November 11, 2013

Welcome to Episode 43. We are committed to helping you obtain your career goal through answering your questions and giving you an inside look into aviation careers. Now we are ready to take the next step with supplying you with some tools to help you move towards your career goal. One of the most exciting […]

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ACP042 – Integrity In Your Life And Your Career

October 11, 2013

Today we continue our question and answer session with Eric Crump from Episode 41.  Listener Mail:  I always wanted to be a pilot but since unmanned aircraft have taken the skies do you think that computers will take over pilots in my lifetime?     If I am able to get 500 hours of turbine part 135 […]

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ACP041 – “Don’t Let The Effort Keep You From Your Goal” Listener Mail With Eric Crump

October 3, 2013

Eric Crump the Aerospace Program Director at Polk State College  is an experienced pilot and has had years of experience helping people achieve success in their aviation career. Eric and I discuss the following listener mail: An aviation maintenance student wants to know job prospects for pilots and mechanics. A 38 year with a family […]

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ACP040 – How To Get Your FAA Dispatcher Certificate; Corporate Flight Attendant Jobs with ExecuJet Flight Coordinator Daniel Slapo

September 26, 2013

What does an aircraft scheduler do? How do you become a flight dispatcher? What is it like to be a corporate flight attendant? What jobs are available in all of these fields? I am excited today to have with me someone who can help answer these questions. His name is Daniel Slapo and he has […]

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ACP039 – Coast Guard Helicopter Pilot Steven Vigus

September 20, 2013

Welcome to episode 39. Today I have with me former Coast Guard helicopter pilot and Navy flight instructor Steve Vigus. Steve has a varied background and many interests including a passion for automobiles. I am really excited to listen as Steve takes us inside the cockpit of a Coast Guard Helicopter pilot on a rescue […]

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ACP038 – Don’t Listen To The Naysayers

September 12, 2013

In episode 38 we continue to answer listener e-mail with Tom Wachowski. Tom is a corporate pilot who also flew for the airlines and brings a unique perspective to this podcast. The following are the questions we answer during the episode: I have been pulled away from aviation. What is the best way to get […]

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ACP037 – Is It Too Late, Flying Club vs 141, What University Should I Choose, Scholarships, Starting Over.

September 5, 2013

In episode 37 we answer listener questions with Tom Wachowski. If you have a question or need advice about your career please click on the Contact page and submit your question. We will answer your question directly and share the answer in an upcoming episode to help others who are listening. Today I have with […]

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