ACP054 – A320 Captain and Alaska Bush Pilot – Cap’n Aux

April 18, 2014

I am excited to have with me someone who is truly passionate about aviation and will be able to help answer many of your questions concerning various flying jobs. One recurring question I receive from you the listener is this: “are you still passionate about aviation even after many years as an airline pilot?”. To […]

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ACP053 – The Successful Job Fair – An Applicant’s Guide

April 11, 2014

We are back from Sun N Fun and had a wonderful time. One thing I am very excited about is the ability to participate in the first annual Job Fair. I spent many hours speaking with applicants and wandering around to the various job booths. Through observation and interaction with applicants I was reminded how […]

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How To Listen To Sun N Fun Radio 2014!

April 2, 2014

Click Here To Listen from the Sun N Fun Radio Website. I am excited to once again share my passion for flight and bring you some interesting interviews as a field reporter for Sun N Fun Radio. If you are unable to make it to the event or want to listen to interviews and keep […]

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Stuck Mic AVcast is becoming a Part of Valeri Aviation

April 1, 2014

Earlier today, Stuck Mic AVcast became a member of the Valeri Aviation Group! Len Costa who founded the podcast has decided to retire to travel the world, and has left me with the reins. This bi-monthly podcast about General Aviation is a great addition to our other offerings including this podcast and The Expert Aviator […]

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ACP052 – Bridging the Gap, Exploring the 727 at Sun N Fun, and Moving Forward With Your Career.

March 28, 2014

Carl and Eric talk about bridging the gap from low time to airline pilot. Additionally, we have encouraging stories from pilots who have taken the next step towards their career goal. Listener Mail: If airlines want to farm out their regional operations, how are they going to do that when regional carriers don’t have enough […]

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ACP051 – Air Traffic Control, Air Force Academy, Working For The FAA, and Part Time Flight Instructing with Russ Roslewski

March 14, 2014

Want to know what it is like to work in the Air Force as an Air Traffic Controller or manager? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to design approaches? Thinking of working part time as a college professor or flight instructor? Today I have with me someone who has experience in all […]

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ACP050 – The Truth About The Pilot Shortage

March 7, 2014

In this episode we answer one question: What is the truth about the pilot shortage? We Discuss: Taking politics out of the pilot shortage equation. The truth about low starting wages in aviation and why I feel that will not change. Changing the name of the pilot shortage to a “limited supply of qualified pilots”. […]

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ACP049 – Accelerated Pilot Training And Time Building

February 21, 2014

We often receive questions concerning the advantages of accelerated pilot training and time building programs. Today I have with me to discuss this topic, Eric Crump, Aerospace Program Director at Polk State College. Advantages of Accelerated Pilot Training: Obtain all of your pilot certificates in as little as six months. Structured education. Topics learned stay […]

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ACP048 – Airline Cargo Specialist and Revenue Management Careers with Jesse Ziglar

February 14, 2014

We spend the majority of the time on this show discussing piloting jobs due to the highly specific training required and the large investment of time and money. But there are many other jobs in aviation which are challenging, lucrative, and interesting. A large portion of the airlines revenue is generated by shipping cargo. Many […]

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ACP047 – 10 Ways To Avoid Burnout As An Airline Pilot

February 7, 2014

10 Ways To Avoid Burnout As An Airline Pilot: Go exploring instead of sitting in the hotel room. Get a hobby. Become involved in a charity. Take some time off. Pay it forward by helping others with their career Get involved in General Aviation. Stay as far away from Aviation As possible on your days […]

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