ACP126 No Degree No Problem?

February 13, 2017

In this episode Tom Wachowski of the Private Jet Podcast joins me to discuss the costs of owning an aircraft, and to answer our listeners questions including: No degree, no problem? In episode 126 Tom Wachowski joins me to discuss: The importance of a college degree. Veterans benefits section of the website. Speaking more intelligently […]

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ACP125 Drone Pilot Careers with Jon Rupprecht

February 6, 2017

Thinking of becoming a drone pilot? Want to know what opportunities are available in this new and exciting field of aviation? Want to know the future of drone careers?  Today I have with me Jon Rupprecht, drone attorney to answer these questions and discuss drone pilot careers. Jonathan has made numerous media appearances on the […]

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ACP124 I Have a six figure salary but now want to change careers

January 27, 2017

In episode 124 we discuss leaving a six-figure salary for an airline job, shout outs, our new weekly show, and your questions answered. Announcements: Shout Out from David Abbey on DIP MY WINGS (347) 699-4647 CommutAir to Partner with ATP Flight School for Tuition Reimbursement and Avenue to United Career Path Program Listener Questions […]

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ACP123 What Specialized Training Does An Airline Pilot Receive And Your Questions Answered

January 22, 2017

Welcome to a new episode! We are trying a new format, which is shorter and should lead to more episodes. Today we have questions about GI benefits, building hours towards a pilot job, and specialized training once you land that dream pilot job. Also, the 2017 versions of the Aerospace Scholarships Guide will be out very […]

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ACP122 Why Pilot Salaries Don’t Coincide With A Shortage Of Pilots

January 8, 2017

If you learned anything about basic economics, you will understand the concept of “supply and demand.” When something is in short supply, the price of the item increases. This can be true for people as well as goods, but how does it work when it comes to pilot salaries when there is a shortage of […]

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ACP121 – Organization Of Black Aerospace Professionals, The Coast Guard, and ExpressJet Airlines with Goliath Demisie.

December 22, 2016

Welcome to the show where we inspire you to follow your dream. I am your host Carl Valeri and joining me today is someone who has had an exciting career and helps many people realize their career goals. Goliath Demisie is an airline pilot and recruiter with ExpressJet Airlines, Lieutenant in the United States Coast […]

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ACP120 Should You Become A Banner Tow Pilot? with Joe Myers of Aerial Banners Inc.

December 12, 2016

  The new ATP requirements have increased the hours to 1500 for most to be able to apply for an airline job. But how do you build the hours? You can flight instruct but what if you don’t want to teach? You can rent a plane and build hours, but what if you don’t have […]

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ACP119 Veteran Flight Training Benefits – Can I Have Children and Pursue An Aviation Career?

November 22, 2016

In episode 119 we answer listener mail. We have some great information on using VA benefits for aviation training and advice on accelerated versus non-accelerated training. Announcements: Educational and Collegiate and training. –Coaching by Eric Crump Bragging on a student , Cuban immigrant, ESL Solo –Eric Carl Received his Remote pilot certificate. Q&A: Clarification on […]

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ACP118 How do I Decide What to Do in Life?

November 9, 2016

Welcome to episode 118 of the podcast that answers your questions about aviation careers and helps you take that next step to that rewarding career! Today I am joined by Paul Grieco to answer questions about choosing between aviation and other passions, how to convert a foreign flight certificate to a US FAA, scholarships for […]

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ACP117 What Is The Difference Between a Legacy and a Major Airline?

October 21, 2016

Carl and Eric Crump are back for another great question and answer episode! This show features answers to questions from our listeners, including about the difference between legacy and major airlines, flight school choices, and applying when under qualified (the answer might surprise you). Sponsor Message: Don’t forget to check out our coaching services which include career […]

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