ACP186 Should I use my retirement savings to fund training?

July 30, 2018

Should I use my retirement savings to fund training? We will cover that and answer some other questions in this episode. Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. Today we answer your questions and discuss quality of life at the airlines. Before we begin a few announcements. Announcements: Please allow 2 […]

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ACP185 Can I Remain Where I Live And Have An Airline Career?

July 9, 2018

Can I Remain Where I Live And Have An Airline Career? Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. Recently I finished seven days straight of flying and I am not going to do that again. I had a wonderful trip which included an overnight in Bermuda!  What a great time I had […]

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ACP184 Airline Revenue Management Careers

June 25, 2018

One of the exciting and constantly changing jobs in the airline industry is Airline Revenue Management Careers. It is a mystery to many how airlines set their pricing. Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. To maximize revenue at an airline, a group of individuals at the airline who use various analytics to […]

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ACP183 Should You Become A Military Pilot?

June 18, 2018

Should You Become A Military Pilot? With the airlines hiring at a rapid rate and a shortage of qualified pilots, many don’t even consider flying for the military. Joining us today is Sarah Fritts who switched from being an officer to a warrant office to fulfill her career flying goal. If you or someone you […]

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ACP182 This Is Your Career Not Your Hobby

June 11, 2018

This Is Your Career Not Your Hobby, but what happens if you call in sick at an airline? Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and  transparent aviation careers podcast. Thank you for listening and thank you for all those who reached out to me during this trying time. I had a wonderful trip with an amazing […]

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ACP181 Your Passion And Your Career- Lessons Learn From Dad

May 31, 2018

In this special episode, I want to share some thought about your passion and your career, and some of the lessons I learned from my Dad. Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. I had an amazing flight from San Juan Puerto Rico to Newark, NJ last week. While over the Atlantic […]

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ACP180 Rotor Transition Programs and Listener Mail

May 14, 2018

Today I discuss these new rotor transition programs and answer your questions. Before we begin a few announcements. Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. Things sure have changed for military helicopter pilots wanting to work for the airlines. In the past airlines didn’t even consider rotorcraft time. Now airlines are creating […]

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ACP179 Helicopter Careers Update With Pam Landis of Rotorcraft Pro

May 7, 2018

Today we have a helicopter careers update with Pam Landis of Rotorcraft Pro. The airline industry has changed over the past decade causing a hiring spree at the airlines. In the past, helicopter time was not even considered by the airlines as flight time. Fast forward to today and we now see rotor transition programs […]

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ACP178 Be A Flight Instructor And Teach Others To Fly!

April 30, 2018

Be A Flight Instructor And Teach Others To Fly! Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. Many people use flight instructing to build time  towards their ratings. However many people enjoy flight instructing and stay in it even just part time, as they enjoy showing new people how to fly, how to […]

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ACP177 Overcoming Challenges In Your Past

April 23, 2018

If you want to become a pilot, what do you do about Overcoming Challenges In Your Past? Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. I am back from two airshows Seaplane A Palooza and Sun N Fun 2018. We recorded interviews at both events which you can listen to on Many […]

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