ACP285 Life Of An Air Traffic Control Tower Manager with George Harper

June 26, 2020

Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. Today joining me is air traffic control tower manager George Harper to discuss what life is like working as a controller in a tower.  Before we begin a few announcements. Announcements: The current online scholarships guide includes 38 new scholarships and 10 updates, a new […]

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ACP284 Why Some Airline Crew Members’ Income Increases During A Downturn.

June 22, 2020

Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. Today I help you understand why some airline crew members’ incomes increase during a downturn. Before we begin a few announcements. Announcements: Do you have questions, comments, inspirational stories? Please write to us at . Also, search our previous episodes by typing in your […]

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ACP283 Cargo Pilot Kayleigh Bordner

June 15, 2020

Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. Today joining me is Captain Kayleigh Bordner to discuss cargo flying careers.  Before we begin a few announcements. Announcements: This podcast is sponsored by the app-based aviation radio simulator. Use the coupon code PlaneEnglishSim for a free scholarships guide sponsored by Be quick […]

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ACP282 Airline Training And Covid-19

June 12, 2020

Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. Currency and training for pilots have changed since the Covid-19 crisis. Today joining me is Captain Justin Ash, an airline simulator instructor to discuss those changes.  Before we begin a few announcements. Announcements: This podcast is sponsored by the app-based aviation radio simulator. Use […]

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ACP281 Listener Mail: Concerned about the Airline Pilot Lifestyle

June 8, 2020

Welcome to the informational, inspirational, and transparent aviation careers podcast. Today we answer listener mail and focus on a listener’s question concerning the airline pilot lifestyle.  Before we begin a few announcements. Announcements: This podcast is sponsored by the app-based aviation radio simulator. Use the coupon code PlaneEnglishSim for a free scholarships guide sponsored […]

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ACP280 Collegiate Aviation During Covid-19 with Eric Crump

June 1, 2020

ACP280 Collegiate Aviation During Covid-19 with Eric Crump. Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast.  Today we discuss lessons learned from going through the Covid-19 crisis. Specifically, we’re looking at how this crisis has altered practices and procedures in flight training. Joining me today is Eric Crump. Before we begin a few […]

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ACP279 Airshow and Airline Pilot Patrick McAlee

May 29, 2020

ACP279 Airshow and Airline Pilot Patrick McAlee. Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast.  Joining us today is an inspirational airshow and airline pilot Patrick Mcalee. Before we begin a few announcements. Announcements: If you have questions, comments, inspirational stories, or announcements please write to us at   At  You can […]

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ACP278 Changing Lives Through Aviation with Wayman Aviation Academy

May 25, 2020

ACP278 Changing Lives Through Aviation with Wayman Aviation Academy. Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast.  Today we discuss how one flight school is changing lives through aviation even during the Covid-19 crisis. Joining me today is Wayman Aviation Academy’s Wayman Eddy. Before we begin a few announcements. Announcements: If you have […]

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ACP277 How to best prepare for a career in aerospace and aviation following a crisis.

May 22, 2020

Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast.  Today we discuss the airline industry from a workforce perspective during the Covid-19 crisis. Before we begin a few announcements. Announcements: If you have questions, comments, inspirational stories, or announcements please write to us at   At  You can find the Scholarships Guide, Career […]

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ACP276 Can I Make a Living as a Flight Instructor with Fly8Ma

May 18, 2020

Can I Make a Living as a Flight Instructor with Fly8Ma? Welcome to the inspirational, informational, and transparent aviation careers podcast.  Today we discuss how you can make a living as a flight instructor with Jonathan Kotwicki. Before we begin a few announcements. Announcements: If you have questions, comments, inspirational stories, or announcements please write […]

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