Episode 006 – Career Prospects Are Good for Both Pilots And Mechanics, A Panel Discussion with Guests From National Aviation Academy.

by CarlValeri on July 19, 2012

Do you have an interest in becoming both a pilot and a mechanic? You would be surprised how many pilots hold a mechanic’s license. There are some advantages to being both. I discuss:

  • How you can be an operational asset because you can repair items which break and a mechanic is miles from your location.
  • Certain seemingly simple repairs must be signed off by a mechanic especially if it includes a safety wire.
  • Some pilot jobs including corporate jobs require a mechanic’s license.
  • Story of a simple bird strike which grounded our plane and how having a mechanic on board saved the day.


Teresa Ferent of National Aviation Academy in Clearwater, Florida invited me to speak with a variety of employees at their Clearwater Florida facility. National Aviation Academy has a long history of training mechanics and recently has added pilot training to their curriculum. I have worked with many of the mechanics and pilots who have graduated from the National Aviation Academy and can say first hand that they provide outstanding training.

We discuss:

A special thanks to those I spoke with at National Aviation Academy Including:

Teresa Ferent, Community Resource Representative
Angie Capriotti, Director Of Career Services
Richard Rios, Director Of Student Finance
John Okenfus, Assistant Director of Admissions
Marty Carpenter, Director Of Admissions for Professional PIlot Technology.

Recommended Products and Services:

The National Aviation Academy website has one of the most extensive repositories of information concerning careers as Aviation Maintenance Technicians and Pilots. They have outstanding online presentations concerning job prospects, salary expectations, and how to get your certificates. This is the first website I tell folks to turn to for information concerning becoming an aircraft mechanic. Even if you are not planning on attending the school I highly recommend the information they provide on this website.

For those who are interested in getting a jump start on becoming an Aviation Maintenance Technician or for those who already are AMT’s there is a handy reference for the iPhone and the iPad. I use their app for pilots and think it is one of the best organized and easiest to read Aviation Regulation reference for a mobile device. For more information on what is included in this reference click below:

FAR/AMT for the IOS device.


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

aneesh m a July 19, 2012 at 6:58 am

i have done AME course and i am having an experience of 2.9 years as an aircraft technician may i get an appropriate job


CarlValeri July 19, 2012 at 11:40 am

Thanks for the question. I have forwarded your question to the director of career services at National Aviation Academy. I will post there reply when I receive it.


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