ACP414 Addressing Mechanic Turnover Rates with Suresh Narayanan- CEO of JETS MRO

by CarlValeri on February 17, 2025

The aviation industry has grown and is on a continued trajectory leading to a shortage of mechanics and pilots.. A challenge to aviation both today and for the foreseeable future is keeping quality mechanics and trying to slow the high turnover rates. Taking a unique approach to the problem of retention is CEO of JETS MRO Suresh Narayanan. If you are someone looking towards a career in aviation or trying to retain maintainers you will learn much from Suresh, a successful aviation entrepreneur and industry ambassador.

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Talking Points:

Suresh is a passionate aviator with a family tradition in aviation dating back to the Concord.
His Path To Jets MRO CEO.
What is JETS MRO?
Is there a high turnover of mechanics? If so, what industry is affected the most?
How do we address the high turnover rates of mechanics?
His path forward and outlook for the MRO industry.


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