ACP055 – The Career Flight Instructor – Jason Miller and The Finer Points of Flying

by CarlValeri on April 25, 2014

jas9 copyFor the majority of pilots looking towards a career in aviation the purpose of becoming a flight instructor is to build flight time. The position of flight instructor is viewed by many as  the job you take to “pay your dues” in the aviation industry. This is an unfortunate perception because one of  the most important and respected people at a general aviation airport is the flight instructor.

Flight instructing is a challenging and rewarding career which allows you to have a profound impact on the aspiration and safety of individual pilots. Today I have with me a passionate aviator and outstanding flight instructor, Jason Miller.  If you are thinking of a career as a flight instructor this episode is for you. Jason and I will discuss how to be successful and also debunk some myths about the career of flight instructing.

Jason and I Discuss:

  • His passion for teaching people how to fly.
  • Why he loves flight instructing.
  • Misconceptions about flight instructing.
  • How you can make a living flight instructing.
  • Working part time as a flight instructor.
  • How he is connecting with passionate aviators around the world.
  • How you can reach Jason and the Many Outstanding training products he has to offer.



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