Northwoods Chapter of the Ninety-Nines Scholarship

Scholarship Name: 

Northwoods Chapter of the Ninety-Nines Scholarship


To offer this scholarship to women in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, northern Wisconsin, and southern Canada, the Northwoods Ninety-Nines want to encourage the growth of women pilots.


This scholarship will be awarded to a female, age 15 and older, who wants to become a pilot.

There are four requirements for the female applicant:

  1. Must read, write and speak English.
  2. In the process of working towards a pilot’s license.
  3. Passed the class III flight medical.
  4. Submit a letter of Recommendation.




The application deadline is May 1st.

Contact Dee Dreger at 715-612-3336 or for further details.


The Ninety-Nines is an international organization of women pilots from 35 countries that promotes the advancement of aviation through education, scholarships, and mutual support while honoring our unique history and sharing our passion for flight.

The organization has more than 4,800 members worldwide, including general aviation, military, airlines, corporate/commercial pilots.

Established in 1929 by 99 women pilots with Amelia Earhart as the first president, members of The Ninety-Nines Inc. are represented in all areas of aviation today.


Contact Dee Dreger at 715-612-3336 or for further details.

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