ACP054 – A320 Captain and Alaska Bush Pilot – Cap’n Aux

by CarlValeri on April 18, 2014

Screen-Shot-2014-03-23-at-6.20.26-PM-300x199I am excited to have with me someone who is truly passionate about aviation and will be able to help answer many of your questions concerning various flying jobs. One recurring question I receive from you the listener is this: “are you still passionate about aviation even after many years as an airline pilot?”. To help us answer this question and many more is Cap’n Aux.

Eric is an airline pilot by day, writer by night, and kid by choice. Never one to believe in working for a living, Eric’s past list of occupations include: Alaska bush pilot, freelance writer, mural artist, and Captain for a Caribbean airplane operation. He is now a captain for a major U.S. airline flying the Airbus A320.

Eric and I Discuss:

  • Flying the world as an A320 Captain.
  • Flying as an Alaskan bush pilot.
  • Advice for those interested in a career as a bush pilot.
  • Flying as Captain in the Caribbean.
  • How to keep the passion for aviation alive!
  • Eric’s passion for blogging and writing.


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Eric Auxier On Amazon

“The Last Bush Pilots” made Amazon’s Top 100 Breakthrough Novels last year!

The Last Bush Pilots

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